The Influence Of Setting In Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown

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“Young Goodman Brown," by Nathaniel Hawthorne tells a classic story about the human race. It is about the necessity of a young Christian man, Goodman Brown, to come to terms with his own sinful nature and the sinful natures of the people who live around him. In "Young Goodman Brown," Hawthorne gradually increases the dramatic effect and makes a much more complete story through his very great use of the setting. Some important aspects of this setting include: the time at which Brown leaves, the geographical location chosen, the forest in which Goodman Brown journeys, and the active part of the setting that affects goodman Brown and his decisions. All of these have their own distinct influences upon the story that make it more in depth and enjoyable…show more content…
His wife said that she didn't want him to go that night, "of all nights of the year" (183). It was said afterwards, by goodman Brown, that his journey had to take place "`twixt now and sunrise" (183). These two comments by the characters lead the reader to believe that he is going out on Halloween in the middle of the night. This has haunting implications for young Brown. Nighttime is known as a time in which evil runs strong and rampant. Halloween is famously known as the time of the year in which ghouls, ghosts, and witches come out of their lairs to work their evil ways upon the world. With Hawthorne tying these two together, it makes for a fearful omen for what young goodman Brown has in store. One of the most prominent aspects of the setting is simply the geographic location chosen. Salem, Massachusetts is very rich in its religious history. The Puritans came to New England in search of religious freedom for themselves. Puritanical belief was very strict. They strove as all Christians did to eliminate sin, but the nature of man is still to sin. They believed the best way to deal with their own sin was, above all else, not to let others know about

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