How Did Tanks Contribute To Ww1

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Tanks and how they contributed to World War 1 As tanks were heavily armoured fighting vehicles that were used for carrying guns and moved on a continuous articulated metal track, it was a perfect war machine to bring an end to the long stalemate of trench warfare. Tanks contributed a lot on the western front. They increased mobility and gave the British an upper hand on trench warfare. But there were some downfalls with tanks. They could not go any faster than 4 miles an hour (6.437376 km/h). Tanks were also used to carry large amounts of equipment over long distances in the shortest amount of time. This gave the allies an advantage over the enemy. It also reduced casualties by providing a movable barricade or cover. The first tank was just…show more content…
Some reasons for the development and changes to the tanks designs were weight to power ratio, distribution of weight. They also designed the caterpillar tracks which help the machines by minimising the possibility of the tank getting bogged and they wanted to increase the reliability of the engine. The tanks used in World War 1 had long track frames which allowed them to drive across narrow trench systems which gave them a major advantage on the western front. By 1918 Britain and France made and used 6506 tanks and Germany only made 20. But Germans found a very easy and effective way to destroy tanks. Artillery is what the Germans used to devastate the British and French tanks. Throughout the battle of Amiens during 1918 72% of the allied tanks were completely obliverated in the duration of 4 days. 6 days before the end of World War 1 only 8 allied tanks were still standing. Tanks got rid of horses in warfare. Tanks since then have improved. They now have better armour, a better engine, even faster and bigger guns. They have been used in all peacemaking operations overseas. They have since then improved the survivability of soldiers in harsh

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