How Did Martin Luther King Try To Revolutionize Segregated America

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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. sought to make changes in the racist society in America. He influenced many to adopt his nonviolence approach just as he was influenced by others to revolutionize segregated America. Colored people were judged and treated as second-class citizens. King focused his work and strategies through social and political means to achieve his goals. The Civil Rights Movement saw the transformation the nation undertook to change its biased ways. Law cases, boycotts, peaceful protests, and sit-ins emerged in attempts to dismantle Jim Crow laws. The Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education deemed “separate but equal” was unconstitutional and violated the 14th amendment. Plessy v. Ferguson was the case that set the precedent…show more content…
Board of Education, a high school in Little Rock, Arkansas was the first to desegregate. It immediately ordered for integration and several schools in Arkansas managed to do so. However, it was a rough start. When colored students first attempted to attend a previously white-only school protests and mobs immediately formed. A group of students later pegged as “Little Rock Nine” were the first to attend a newly desegregated school. When the “Nine” arrived at school they were met by the National Guard, not allowing entry to the school. The troops were forced to withdraw after an injunction and finally police provided support and protection. Mobs of angry white people formed but the Little Rock Nine continued attending school. Despite all the verbal abuse the Little Rock Nine did not allow that to intervene with them changing schools nationwide with a dignified and determined…show more content…
who was in Birmingham Jail to appeal to King that his followers’ demonstrations were unnecessary. The group of clergy claimed that civil action was wrong and the way to have change was to be done solely in court. The clergymen were convinced “that these demonstrations are unwise and untimely” (“A Call for Unity” 3). In a patronizing manner the clergymen imply they respect King’s motivation but disapprove his way of demonstrating it. Indirectly the clergymen stated that King’s demonstrations are unsafe and were basically a disturbance to the [white] community. The clergymen also attempted to sympathize with King and colored people but failed to truly grasp the Civil Rights Movement

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