How Did Hamlet Kill Claudius

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In the play Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, the Prince Hamlet’s father was killed by his brother and then that brother marries Hamlet’s mother. Hamlet wants to do anything to get revenge for his father, which may even mean killing his own uncle. Prince Hamlet has an apparent delay in seeking revenge for his father’s death, this delay is due to not only Hamlet’s internal conflicts, but also some external conflicts. Hamlet has some external conflicts that contribute greatly to his delay in killing King Claudius. One of those delays is that he had a pretty big lack of opportunity. Hamlet did not have that many chances to do what he wanted to do with the King, this made it hard for him to make up his mind because he only had a few chances to kill him and he was not sure if those times were the right ones. The first time that we can see Hamlet having an opportunity to kill Claudius is when the king is praying by himself and Hamlet is watching him silently. When Hamlet was there, he had a prime opportunity to kill Claudius once and for all and get rid of him. But hamlet felt like Claudius didn’t deserve to go to heaven so he let him live. The only other time that Hamlet really has time to kill Claudius, besides the time he actually did kill him, was when Hamlet killed Polonius. This is one of the only times in the while play that…show more content…
In the end of act two it says that “The sprit I have seen / May be the devil, and the devil hath power” (2.2.562-563). This made Hamlet not trust the ghost because he thought it could have been an evil ghost that wanted to make Hamlet crazy. Also in act thee it says “O good Horatio, I’ll take the ghost’s word for a / thousand pound.” (3.2.260-261). This shows that Hamlet does not trust the ghost slightly because of the fact that he has to bet money that the ghost is right, I can sense a little bit of distrust in
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