How Did Christiaan Huygen Contribute To Science

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Christiaan Huygens Christiaan Huygens played an essential role in some of the most incredible discoveries in math, astronomy and physics. His role in scientific history touches everything from what we now understand about the theory of light waves in three dimensions, to the concept of centrifugal force, to even basic things that are now learned in elementary school classes, such as astronomy behind the rings of Saturn. Huygens's creative and scientific processes were intertwined from an early age through simple actions like throwing a rock into the water and watching the emanating pattern of waves and playing with windmills. These actions ultimately led to a life of experimentation and observation across multiple scientific disciplines. With influence and…show more content…
This work helped him acquire a growing mathematics reputation in Europe, paving the way for his success in intellectual and social circles in Paris a year later. In 1656 he began grinding his own lenses for telescopes with his brother Constantijn, leading to the invention of the two lens Huygenian eyepiece. His work with lenses helped him discover the Saturnian moon, Titan. Continued work on his telescope designs led to the discovery of the stellar components of the Orion nebula in 1656. By 1658, Huygen's interests in astronomy created a drive towards more accurate time measurements. This spurred his invention of the pendulum as a way to regulate clocks with an accuracy of only a one minute a day off. He later went on to reduce this error time and publish his thoughts in 'Horologium'. In 1659 he discovered the true shape of Saturn's rings, further increasing his popularity in Europe. 1666 to 1681 were spent in Paris, where in 1673 Huygen published one of his largest and greatest works called 'Horologium Oscillatorium'. This work was partially dedicated to Louis XIV, which caused backlash against him as France was currently at war with

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