Household Hazardous Waste Case Study

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This study theorizes the Waste disposal issues that include: leftover food disposal, biodegradable, non-biodegradable and recyclable material, and the disposal prevention of vectors, infections and bacterial contamination. Among the different waste disposal factors, the prevention of vectors, infection and bacteria contaminated by the vectors, the harbor of bacterial and the transfer of poisonous chemical or injuring from a foreign object is our main research. Thus, household hazardous waste that was directly thrown to the environment can introduce toxins to ecological systems and can pollute drinking water supplies (Conn, 1989; Robertson et al., 1987). The same thing with the used oil found on the ground can contaminate ground water and pollute drinking water supplies through infiltration (2000, Robertson et al., 1987). There are numerous ways through which household hazardous waste can bring risk to human and environmental health. Homes and communities can’t escape the threat of waste to human and environmental health. The important thing is to divert household hazardous waste from the management of solid waste stream through special household hazardous waste regular collections, reducing the risk that…show more content…
He further states that there are simply no combinations of waste management techniques that do not require land filling to make them work. Of the basic management options of solid waste, landfills are the only management technique that is both necessary and sufficient. According him, some wastes are simply not recyclable, many recyclable wastes eventually reach a point where their intrinsic value is completely dissipated and they no longer can be recovered, and recycling itself produces residuals. It must be remembered that landfill will always be required not only because certain materials cannot be processed or recovered but also because there is always a residue from

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