Honor In Julius Caesar Research Paper

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Honour, The Key to Adulthood There are many types of people that make up a society. There are individuals who do as they please and believe that they are the supreme being; and there are those who pursue honour, sticking to their word and remain accountable for their actions. Only those who live a righteous life, are well respected and well noted by others. This is never more evident than in William Shakespeare’s historic world, Henry IV Parts I and II, and Henry V. In these works, honour is an essential aspect to being noble and respected, and a community without honour, is nothing more than cowardly. Honour is an indispensable aspect of one’s society, as it yields higher moral concepts such as integrity and truthfulness. Honour is like…show more content…
If one goes back on their word, then where lies their truthfulness and integrity? Without an adult’s honourable word, truthfulness and integrity are imponderable. Disregarding his honour, Falstaff plays with his words countless times, using this deception for his selfish gain. Without honour, Falstaff is left stranded with his cowardliness as he tries to explain what happened with the money he, Gadshill, and Bardolph had supposedly stolen, during Hal and Poins’ practical joke. Prince Hal, knowing the true story, is surprised at Falstaff’s exaggeration as he says, “O monstrous! Eleven buckram men grown out of two!” (Part I 2.4.202). Falstaff makes a fool of himself, thinking that he can get away from the embarrassment by lying. The even more disastrous fact is that he is not consistent with his lies. It is at this point that everyone loses respect for Falstaff again as he constantly disregards his honour. Alternatively Hal, Poins and the others would have more likely gained respect for him, for being truthful. A mature adult takes responsibility for their actions, in return being awarded honour. Inversely to Falstaff, Chief Justice is a man of his word, willing to take responsibility for his actions. After King Henry IV passes away, and Prince Hal enthroned, Warwick warns Chief Justice, that the new king has no love for him, considering Chief Justice is appointed to punish and look out for Prince Hal. Chief…show more content…
Being blinded by one’s own selfish desires, makes it difficult to pursue honour. As Bardolph, Pistol and Nym enjoy their last few moments before the battle of Agincourt they begin to have second thoughts which prove their cowardliness and lack of honour. Nym admits his fear by blaming it on his life as he says, “The knocks are too hot, and for mine own part, I have not a case of lives,” (Henry V 3.2.2-3). Nym acknowledges the fact that he only has one life, but he would rather lose his honour to live a life without responsibility than to be loyal and fight for his country. For Bardolph, Pistol and Nym, their honour has become so ill-defined that even Boy took notice, as he says, “As young as I am, I have observed these three swashers. I am boy to them all three, but all they three, though they would serve me, could not be man to me. For indeed three such antics do not amount to man,” (Henry V 3.2.27-30). Nonetheless, King Henry never relinquishes his honour as he properly behaves as a king, giving fear and cowardliness no room in his mind. Before the battle of Agincourt begins, King Henry responds to Westmoreland’s wish for ten thousand men as he says, “If we are marked to die; we are enough To do our country loss; and if to live, The fewer men, the greater share of honor,” (Henry V 4.3.22-24). Although his army is clearly outnumbered King Henry revokes Westmorland’s

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