Home Depot Organizational Structure

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Home Depot presences continue to prevail during the changes that Robert Nardelli has implemented. He had limited experience with only his career focusing on industrial not consumer business. Although, in the past years Nardelii was able to continue focus on Home Depot brining the performance levels up to profitable growth. As stated by Charan (2006) “Revenue climbed to around $80 billion in 2005, and earnings per share have more than doubled since 2000.” A platform was built to help maintain home depot from failing. There are many organizations that are need of stable, productive and profitable growth. In understanding, what way organization can help maintain their stability it best understand how organized their internal working are based on a…show more content…
Many organizations are built on a foundation of their mission and vision. Although, there is a common goal to focus in on the organization, there are many changes that must occur in order for an organization to maintain its identity. Organization must acclimate and revolution there brand in order to form a successful organization in today’s market. Centralized organizations are structures to help communicate decisions in layers. Therefore, the Authority of the decisions is made between the middle and lower manger. In some cases centralized authority are limited to how a plan is executed. For example, trucking companies mangers carry out all the decisions from an operational standpoint, the information is sent from the mangers directly the dispatch. As stated by Ingram (2014) “A trucking company is an example of a company with a centralized organization design.” The decisions are compartmentalized therefore, it is

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