Holden Caulfield's Use Of Sex In Catcher In The Rye

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It appears that Holden Caulfield's deepest desire is to save children from growing up and from being tainted by the realities of growing up, for example sexuality and “phoniness”. The element of sexuality comes from the poem which he admires, yet seams to have either not understood completely or has ignored the sexual tones of. The author of the poem, Robert Burns, is writing about casual sex and is asking weather it is acceptable to do. This is a major factor in Holden's life as he has admitted that he cannot have casual sex and sex is something he does not “understand too hot” (page 68). Holden has a few opportunities to have sex with a girl but will come up with an excuse of why not to. This seems to show that he is not ready to move on to the adult world and does not feel comfortable with it.…show more content…
In his mind he equates falling to becoming an adult and losing all innocence and purity. He especially wants to save his sister as he often mentions her and wants to call her but dares not incase his parents pick up. He has already lost one sibling and this seems to have strengthened his desire to save his sister and all other children. It is also too late for him as he has already begun his transition and has already “fallen” off the cliff. In Holden's great desire to be the person that catches all the children from falling is ironic in the way that he does not want to grow up. In order for him to be able to protect children he needs to be grown up and he admits to this, saying that he will be the only one that is “big” (page 186) in the

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