Hip Hop Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography Scott, J. (2004). Sublimating hip-hop: Rap music in white America. Socialism and democracy, 135-155. Jonathan Scott starts his article mentioning the advantage white people have in the hip-hop industry and continues with Hilton Als book, where he described Marshall Mathers (Eminem) as “white on the outside, black on the inside “. However why is this true is it because Eminem has the same view of African American on politics, or because he is truly acknowledge and respected by the black culture, or simply because Dr.Dre signed him? He argued if the US was judge by its popular culture it will be seen as a black society not a white one. He also added that the US is still supremacist because it had to be for white artist…show more content…
Special insults we directed for people trying to copy other culture for example calling a black man “white “ or a white man “wigger”. The concept of “white shadow “ is introduced as a white man trying to take on hip-hop and black culture, even Eminem admitted that his whiteness gave him an advantage, but at some point it was used against him as well. Undoubtedly hip-hop underground culture acceptance of Eminem participation is a sign of true freedom, in fact hip-hop culture was always shared among races blacks, Portoricains and Latinos, they all shared the same life experience in similar life conditions that’s some thing that got labeled as cross “cultural exchange”. Hip-hop contributed to US popular culture by transforming the consumers of the culture into producers; in addition it created conditions that can be seen as political…show more content…
Ryan ford argues that socio-economics differences creates inequality this is why his example Eminem had an advantage because of his belonging to the dominant race. Eminem was surrounded by the hip-hop culture in his neighborhood and got to develop his own type of rap music to get famous over night after his signing with Dr.Dre. His music was successful every where, it was even played on rock radios, furthermore he was the first white to featured in a black hip-hop magazine” The Source magazine.” mainly because he had industry respect and street credibility implicitly he also created a new feeling of belonging in the hip-hop culture for it’s white fans, because now they can identify with

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