Hindsight Bias In Research Paper

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Lilienfeld defines hindsight bias, one pseudoscientific method, as “our tendency to overestimate how well we could have predicted something after it has already occurred” (293). Hindsight bias, also referred to as “I knew it all along!,” tends to occur after the fact where claims are made about prior knowledge. This method of pseudoscience can often lead to false outcomes and can cause many complications when analyzing and interpreting data, and drawing conclusions on the study at hand. Moreover, this form of pseudoscience often makes individuals believe they can engage in predictions more than they actually can. Thus, it sets us up to believe we can make prediction without looking at the evidence. Furthermore, hindsight bias is essentially arguing that when a conclusion, anticipated or unforeseen, occurs and the idea that one predicted it correctly.…show more content…
For example, I tend to encounter hindsight bias when watching some of my favorite TV shows. In the show “Scandal” on the ABC Network, each episode presents a different case for Olivia Pope and her associates to solve. At the end of the episodes I often find my self screaming “I knew it!, I knew it!” To continue, our textbook shows that we often select to elicit certain information that we know to be true and attempt to produce a claim that makes sense out of the results we have. Thus, we it is easy to produce these claims, we deduce that the results to be

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