Hills Like White Elephants And The Unwanted Child Essay

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In “Hills Like White Elephants” and “The Unwanted Child”, the women are faced with unexpected pregnancies and must make a decision about their futures. The women in the short stories differ from one another when it comes to their beliefs. The girl in “Hills Like White Elephants,” greatly values life, but she cannot decide whether or not the American will remain with her if she chooses to keep the baby. Mary, the woman in “The Unwanted Child” does not know how she will continue her education with a baby. In Both “Hills Like White Elephants” and “The Unwanted Child”, the unborn baby's life is being devalued due to the men and women’s feelings and future. what do you mean the last sentence needs work. “life is devalued because of the presence…show more content…
The American clearly doesn’t desire a child, and tries convincing Jig to have an operation to rid her of the child. It is apparent that the man misses the way that their relationship used to be when he says, “We’ll be fine afterward. Just like we were before” (Hemingway 476). This reveals how he depreciates life simply because he won’t be upset after the operation and the man believes everything will go back to normal. Usually after an abortion, couples will go through a state of depression, but in this case, he couldn’t care less about the child. Even when the man states, “...But I don’t want anybody but you. I don’t want anyone else…” (Hemingway 478), he emphasizes how much he cares for the girl but not for “it”. The girl reacts differently when she states, , “...once they take it away, you never get it back”. The girl values life more and sees how aborting a baby would not make their situation any better than it is. Jig questions the Americans words when she says, “And you really want to?” (Hemingway 477) but when responded with, “I think it’s the best thing to do…”(Hemingway 477), the reader is able to assume that the American is the only one that wishes for the abortion. The girl is undoubtedly trying to keep the baby but as well understands that he may leave her. Even when the man says that “...if you don’t want to you don’t have to” (Hemingway 477), Jig can’t be

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