Critical Analysis: Kant's Critique Of Practical Reason

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Throughout this assignment Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason will be discussed and analysed in depth in order to gain a significantly greater understanding of the paper as well as its aims. Within this critique Kant believes that he has come to find the foundation for all that is our practical reasoning. He believes this very principle is of vital important for us humans, this is simply because we are not a series of programmed machines that carry out tasks involuntary to ourselves; we are capable of making errors and false judgements down to relying upon our minds to help us with our actions and our decisions, thus it applies to us all. He refers to this idea as the categorical imperative for which he refers it in a variety of ways. However,…show more content…
Thus, we must seek out to make it possible for reasoning that is self-assured and dependable rather than relying on outside sources of power. Of course the question is how does it reach this power to be on such a dominant level, the answer to this is quite simple really and that is it must be independent and separate from any supremacy. From this we can see how Kant makes the subtle connection of how this idea of freedom suggests that we are all susceptible to the “Categorical Imperative”. As well as this however, he also believes that freedom also entails this duty we all have to morality. He believes that morality is independent from all matter of the law, however it does have an existence within this universe which we undergo by the uses of our senses although it does not have any violation upon its constitution. He brings in a slight sense of causality as he asserts that all of our actions can be seen as generated, by or from what we are uncertain, however the fact that we simply experience this world does not necessarily mean we have any authority in presupposing liberation. Rather, Kant develops this idea that it is the combination between…show more content…
As said previously, the moral law is in a sense our acknowledgement of our freedom however our freedom within the moral law only occurs so long as we are behaving in such a way that involves our reasoning, if it didn’t involve our reasoning Kant believes we are simply acting in a way that is influenced by our opinions or our feelings i.e. our desires, and because our desires are based on observation they do not hold the necessary condition of “law-likeness” that is crucial to Kant’s idea of morality. In order for us to make choices and actions that are moral in Kant’s view involves on our part, a sort of accordance with an obligation to it. We should never allow for our sensitivities, tendencies or our temptations to act as influencers on making decisions no matter how appealing they may be to us, otherwise they would not truly be done out of morality. On this note, Kant drew from this that we should not make false claims nor make any statements of falsity just out of the fact that it may seem convenient for us to do so. The only one exception that may be had to this principle is that we are permitted in allowing for the feeling of recognition and consciousness to the law of morality as this is vital, he refers to this as “respect” for the moral law. Thus, by us complying toward the moral law creates a release from the restraints the are created from peoples

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