Helmi El Touni Analysis

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Name: Sandra Achaia ID: 900140822 Analysis of a painting In our everyday life, when one sees an object, he focuses on some definitional properties that allow him to name it. So, one sees the things or the objects in terms of their banality and not their singularity. That is what Bergson meant when he said that “we do not see the actual things themselves”. So how we can see the truth! Here comes the role of the artist, his vision isn’t as superficial as ours. The truth can be revealed by the painter, his gaze has the role of unveiling, his vision is deep and revealing some aspects that ordinary vision of people cannot see. The artist tries to convey what he sees in the painting to unveil the reality for which we are blind. That is why Joyce said that the art realizes an epiphany or a revelation. Helmi El Touni, is an Egyptian artist who is specialized in oil painting and design. He worked in the…show more content…
It represents the face of a woman in the center of the painting and contains a lot of symbols. The woman seems to be an Egyptian woman because of the color of her skin tanned from the sun, and her dark brown frizzy hair. Her look is full of sadness, her eyes are watered but the tears do not roam her face. It can be deduced that the message the artist is trying to convey is that, this woman is going through a tough time. She has got enough with her life, she has been supporting a lot of pressure but she does not know whether to cry and let her tears go or to keep them and try to be strong for one more time. It can be noticed that her look is exhausted and miserable. Moreover, we can see three major symbols combining the Egyptian identity, on her forehead there is a crescent representing Islam and a cross on her chin, representing Christianity, both are in green color. As well as yellow Pharaonic earrings, in the shape of the key of life. Another symbol worth mentioning is the birds, maybe two doves symbolizing

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