Hatchet Vs. A Cry In The Wild

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I’ve always loved movies, but I’m not much of a book reader. Despite this, I read Hatchet for school, and it was… okay. It wasn’t the best, but it was enjoyable to some extent. The movie though, A Cry in the Wild, was so cringe worthy that my distant, soon to be wife cringed even though she probably didn’t even see it. It was so bad that it was good, then bad again. But compared to the book? Well… Books are a medium that try their hardest to appeal to the masses enjoyment, by targeting the imagination and senses. This is a very difficult expectation to meet, s, when a book does this exceptionally, it becomes very well respected and something people of all ages could enjoy. Hatchet, although not being my favorite book, did these things…show more content…
I thought that the movie could have better imagery and foreshadowing, but the book did it better. “How is it possible a book get your senses triggering better than a movie!”, I hear you ask. Well, it’s because of the setting in the wilderness, you can’t see all the delectable food or grasp the smell of that, just amazing scent. So, you still rely on dialogue heavily, but there’s one thing that gives the book an advantage. The fact that the book is written in third person and we can know all of Brian’s thoughts because we’re inside Brian’s mind. Opposed to the movie where it’s mostly dialogue free and we can’t know what Brian’s thinking , and whenever Brian does have a monologue, the scriptwriters did not put enough effort in descriptive terms or phrases. For instance, after the crash, Brian reminisces on when his mother would make turkey for Thanksgiving. Then, Brian imagines about getting back and having a burger meal with fries and shake. The movie though Brian briefly describes a pizza. Just watch the scene, read the excerpt, and if I were a betting man, I’d bet you think the book tramples on that pitiful scene in the…show more content…
And once again, the book does it better. This though I expected, because generally, books have better foreshadowing than movies, but I digress. In the beginning of both, Brian’s mom, who’s nameless in both the book and the movie, gives Brian a hatchet. In the book his mom buys it a few days before his trip, but in the movie she buys it moments before they head to the airport. This weakens the effect of foreshadowing by telling us, “ Hey, the hatchet is important,” or else, why’d they show it? On the other hand, in the book, since she bought it before hand, it shows that Brian’s mom still wants to have the best relationship with her son, despite the circumstances. To the reader, it seems like a slightly strange but kind gesture. It wasn’t as blatant as the movie, that it was going to be a crucial plot point. Other than the fact that Hatchet is literally the name of the book, but that’s besides the

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