Hamlet Horatio Interview Essay

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I interviewed Nick Williams, who plays the role of Horatio in the upcoming stage play Hamlet that will run from November 4th through the 7th at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke in the Givens Performing Arts Center. Actor Williams, who plays Horatio in the upcoming production is a junior at UNC- Pembroke where his major is theater. Williams says that he chose to audition for Hamlet because it would be a new experience and he thought it would be a good step to make in his acting career. During the interview Williams states that the process for the entire play is tedious. He describes the process in steps by saying that first he had to call and get in touch with the director in order to audition; he then had to study a soliloquy for the audition. Once auditions were over and characters were assigned, the cast had rehearsals five times a week, Monday through Thursday from 6-10 pm and on Saturdays from 10- 2pm. Williams goes on to say that although the rehearsal times are exhausting, the experience is still going well. Williams also stated that although learning the language of…show more content…
When asked what inspired him to become an actor, he replied that it was really just something that fell upon him and "clicked." Williams also stated that the hardest role he has ever played is Horatio due to the difficulty of understanding and pronouncing the language. Therefore, when approached with the question on “Why the role of Horatio?” he said that the reason was because the complex role would help him to come out of his shell and because he would finally get the chance to play the role of someone who is friendly, since he has not had that privilege to play such a role in his previous performances. Nevertheless he stated that the most fun role he has ever played was his role in Captain of the Inquisition, while his dream role is to be simply a main

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