Hamlet Analytical Essay

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Currently holding the record for the fastest backwards performance of Hamlet, at 42 seconds, is The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged), written by Adam Long, Daniel Singer, and Jess Winfield of the Reduced Shakespeare Company. After being first performed at the Criterion Theatre in London, 1987, it became one of the most popular productions in the world. On September 19th, 2015, this play was presented by the members of the Shakespeare Festival company in Woodward Park, California as one of its annual productions. This company, known as WSF, specializes in Shakespearean plays and puts on free productions in Woodward park as of 2005. Directed by Aaron Spjute, who has worked with the company for four years, this performance consisted of only three actors: Donna Halliburton,…show more content…
Props used were far and few between, ranging from toys such as lightsabers and gags like strap-on posteriors. Blocking is also set up in a simple way where the focus generally stays upstage or house right - house left is used sparingly when extra space is necessary for certain scenes. Still, with support from their set designer, Kayla M. Weber, the actors purposely depict a loose and underdeveloped interpretation of Shakespeare’s plays through their acting style. Firstly, the characters are played with heavy histrionics - that is, exaggerated behavior for dramatic effect. Katie in particular is much more animated in some scenes than the original script would suggest. For example, instead of the more dramatic Broderic, the revised script had Katie suggest a comical musical number for the retelling of Othello’s story (Long 21). However, Broderic is still played the most theatrically as a foil to both Katie and Donna, representing a complicated incompetence in Shakespeare. His character frequently uses online resources such as SparkNotes

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