Haitian Voodoo Research Paper

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But in the 56 year gap of 1804 - 860, the Kongolese of Haiti drew upon their experience in Africa to role-play as priest, celebrate Mass and administer sacraments – with a flair all of its own.11 Neither Catholicism nor Voodoo had any restraints! It is the world’s best kept secret that the Haitian form of Voodoo is African, with borrowed Catholic sentiments.12 Now we look closely at Haiti’s Voodoo ceremonies which give gives intercourse with the supernatural 14 and feature direct access to the spirit world through spirit possession.13 √ fact check.... Haitian voodoo is African traditional heathen religion coated with a sprinkle of Catholic symbols 3.3 Haiti: Voodoo And The Voodoo Snake God The Ewe, for example, sold by the Dahomey into slavery, were snake-worshippers and their influence would be seen in Haitian Voodoo.18 A secret ceremony was part of the Rada cult and first used in Dahomey of Africa prior to its use in Haiti.21 One need look no further than the parallel of the African-inspired Haitian rituals that incorporated the snake, dance and convulsions. Such developed into an organized religion in Haiti 19 where an extra layer was…show more content…
Quite interesting is the parallel that makes use of the snake deity Damballa of the African Fon people. Snakes have held a great role in Haitian Voodoo where they are worshiped as both Damballa, Saint Patrick.20 Damballa, the Haitian Lwa snake spirit, has roots in the Rada of Dahomey. In this case he is described as the “wise serpent,” with the symbol of snakes and eggs. Strangely enough the matching counterparts between the Haitian Voodooist and Roman Catholicism is to use Damballa as Jesus Christ.22 Of course, in the true Christian mind, Satan is the snake or serpent, not Jesus Christ. √ fact check.... Haitian voodoo worships the same Damballah snake God as do the snake worshipping African Fon

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