H. J Mccloskey's On Being An Atheist

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In H. J McCloskey’s On Being an Atheist, McCloskey tried to explain and or prove why God does not exist. He used majority if not all of his article presenting the idea of atheism being a viewpoint that should be adopted by all. McCloskey put on trial that arguments of design, Cosmological and Teleological arguments as being questionable and invalid arguments. McCloskey claims that the “mere existence of the world constitutes no reason for believing in such a being” (McCloskey 63). This concept can very well be defended as God being a necessary force behind the creation of the world then and today. McCloskey as well as many other critics argue something some being formed the world that did not have to be or show evidence that it was God. This…show more content…
McCloskey used the teleological argument to not only find flaw in theism, but also why we believe what we believe, “The teleological argument and the argument from design are no more satisfactory, and for exactly the same reason as the last note above, and for many other reasons as well. One can reject the argument from design by rejecting its premise” (McCloskey 64). Evolution is often referred to as a counter to the biblical understanding of creation. McCloskey implies and or references to the idea of evolution in the acceptance that such things as dinosaurs once roamed the earth and that humans were derived from animals such as apes. He does not give valid or any form of concrete evidence of what existed first. That would be just like saying he knows for sure the egg came before the…show more content…
He quotes Tillich’s definition of faith which is “that state of being ultimately concerned, as claiming truth for its concern; and as involving commitment, courage, and that taking of a risk” (McCloskey 65). McCloskey proclaimed that taking the “risk” would be a foolish and reckless choice. To put faith in God, according to McCloskey, would be the same as put faith in someone you believe you can trust completely. Even though you think you can trust them there is past situations that can prove or reject this claim. With God, McCloskey is claiming that there are not any past experiences that man can without a doubt give that could prove God cause it and because of it he could be trusted. He states that if we would it would be both “irrational” and “foolish. (pg.

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