Greek Vs. Norse Mythology

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Greek v. Norse Mythology For as long as humans have been sentient, the race as a whole has needed something to believe in. In the majority of cases, that is a higher power that decides and dictates how the people of the world must live. Religions have caused massive, widespread panic, fear, and despair, as well as blissfully peaceful societies. Religion is tied to some of the world’s most infamous and bloody conflicts, but also to the rise of some of history’s most prolific and beautiful societies. Throughout the long history, there have been countless religions with similar ideals, deities, and beliefs. Though these religions were quite similar in ways, their differences were often what set the believers so far apart. Two such societies…show more content…
The Norse gods are viewed more as dark and brooding figures, while the Greeks are usually portrayed as more joyous and playful. However, there are often resemblances that are seen between specific Olympians and Norse gods, if looked at closely. Odin was the leader of the Norse, “known as Alfodr (‘All-father’)” but was not considered a caring father figure, nor was he even well liked (Littleton 286). Thor, the god of thunder, was “the best loved of the Viking Pantheon” (Littleton 296). In Greek mythology, Zeus would make the best equivalent of a combination of Odin and Thor. After the Titans were overthrown, the younger gods knew they needed a leader and chose the god of thunder and lightning, because they “all agreed Zeus would best rule over them” (Bolton 56). Another connection can be found between Loki and Hermes. While Loki was considered a friend among the gods, he was well known as a trickster (Littleton 307). Hermes was known by the Greek gods as “a trickster and thief” (Martin 46). A profound correlation can also be seen between the leading ladies of destiny. In Norse mythology, the “Norns were female supernatural figures who were thought to determine the destinies of individuals” (Littleton 286). Cutting notches in wooden boards, or weaving a cloth, they decided how a person would live and die. Although there were a plethora of these beings, there were only three main Norns,…show more content…
There were three in Norse mythology: Asgard, Midgard, and Niflheim. Asgard was where the gods lived and the location of Valhalla, which was the residence of the warriors “who died in battle” (Littleton 280). Since dying on the battlefield was the only honorable way to die, these Vikings were the only ones allowed to reside in the upper level with the gods. In Midgard, or the middle level, the mortals dwelled. Lastly was Niflheim, or the world of the dead. Hel could be found there and was “where those who died of sickness, old age, or accident were judged” (Littleton 280). According to the Greek tales, Elysium, Asphodel, and Tartarus were the three levels of the afterlife. Elysium was a paradise for those considered heroes amongst the mortals. Asphodel was a kind of limbo, being neither good nor bad. The most evil, or any that directly offended Zeus, were sent to Tartarus. (Bolton, 103). Anyone unfortunate enough to be sent there would be “imprisoned for eternity in Tartarus in the depths of the earth to suffer the torments of the damned” (Littleton

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