Greek Pottery Research Paper

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Ancient Greek Pottery between 1000 to 400 BCE provided many different distinct shapes and sizes, as well as having some of the oldest cultural beliefs/practices that has survived throughout all these years. Throughout the years that the Greeks created pottery, they developed many different pottery styles. The Greeks had many different shapes and sizes of the pottery that they made, depending on if it was for functional use, such as plates and cups, verse structural use, such as busts. Some of the most distinct pottery styles that the Greeks are well known for include Decorative Styles: Protogeometric Pottery, Geometric Pottery, Black-Figure Pottery, and Red-Figure Pottery. Protogeometric Pottery was associated with the Greek Dark Ages and this type of style was emerged around the mid 11th century BCE. The decorations on these pots mostly had abstract elements on them and were best characterized by having broad horizontal bands around the neck, belly, and concentric circles that was applied with a compass and multiple brushes. Some of the alterations came from some Mycenaean influences shapes, such as, the belly-handled amphora, the neck handled…show more content…
During the early Geometric Period (900-850 BC) was when the Greeks started to increase the height of the vessels, but the decoration on them was now more restricted compared to the Protogeometric Pottery. Though, a thin layer of clay then covered the remaining surface and after the firing the vessel would have a dark, shiny, metallic color. The Middle Geometric Period (850-760BC), the decorative parts have now increased because of the creation of laced mesh. Finally, during the Late Geometric Period (760-700BC), the Middle Geometric Period techniques was still being used by the beginning of the 8th century BC. Some of the vases had forms of animals around the neck and the base of the

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