Greek Philanthropy Pros And Cons

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Infographic According to, there are one hundred and twenty-three fraternities and sororities with a total of nine million members. Also, there are seven hundred and fifty thousand undergraduate members and twelve thousand members on more than 800 campuses in the US and Canada. Even though the number of members associated with Greek life is high, there are still a few cons to consider while thinking of going Greek. With cons, there are also pros. While thinking of going Greek you may want to brush up on what chapters there are for you, what nationals are, and what philanthropies are. What does it mean to go Greek? Going Greek does not just mean joining a group of people, taking frilly pictures, or going to socials.…show more content…
A philanthropy is the desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes. Philanthropy events can range from sleeping in boxes to raise money and awareness for the homeless, to playing with puppies to raise money and awareness for local and national shelters! Many philanthropy events are open to the public for a small price (which also goes toward their philanthropy). Each local chapter has their own unique philanthropy or philanthropies. Nationally, there may be a handful of chapters that can share the same interests in their philanthropies. Some philanthropic events can count towards your service…show more content…
A major pro in going Greek would be each chapters’ academic standards. Most chapters require that each member maintains at least a 2.5 GPA. Also, members will hold study hours for other members to get together and oversee each other gets their work done. Another pro would be the leadership opportunities that come from Greek life. In your chapter alone, you are able to obtain numerous positions such as, president, vice president, collegiate delegate, etc. With the pros, come the cons. A major con is the expenses. Each semester, you’ll have to pay a set amount of dues. Seeing as most college students are already low on money and maybe even in debt, this could be very hard to work with. Another con is the potential hazing. Hazing is illegal and almost a zero-tolerance action on most college campuses. Any recent stories of hazing are most likely to just be rumors. You should never join an organization that puts you in danger or makes you uncomfortable. In conclusion, the Greek community is an interesting and very giving community. Many of these people who have joined Greek organizations believe that service and giving back are bigger than themselves. There is always at least something to make you take a second look before you decide to jump in, but at the end of the day, going Greek may help you more than harming

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