Greek Mythology Research Paper

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One beautiful day on Mount Olympus Aphrodite gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and named her Kallisto meaning “most beautiful”. Hephaestus was overjoyed with the baby as well and invited all of the other Gods and Goddesses to witness the birth. However upon seeing the new baby girl the oracle God Apollo had a vision. He told them that Kallisto was not the daughter of Hephaestus, but rather of Ares. Also seeing the God sees that the baby’s future will be surrounded by an eternal burning flame. Hephaestus was outraged by this turn of events and was disgusted by the new child. He demanded that Zeus ban the baby from Olympus. Aphrodite and Ares protested against it, but with Hera giving Hephaestus her support, and Zeus’s indifference…show more content…
Aphrodite lead a near by shepard to Kallisto and upon seeing the baby girl he felt pity and vowed to take care of her. The shepherd took the baby home to his wife telling her how he found her abandoned, she was struck by the cruelty of the Gods and also agreed to take care of the baby. Kallisto grew up as a normal girl, she was very beautiful like her mother and strong like her father. While she was separated from her birth parents she was happy to be where she was. Hephaestus was furious about Kallisto’s happiness, and decided to put a curse on her. Hephaestus, being the God of fire, but a curse on Kallisto that anything she touches will burst into flame. Kallisto was out taking a walk when suddenly pain engulfed her whole body. She felt as if her insides were being incinerated by a scorching fire. Kallisto could not hold back her screams of agony as she ran back home to try and sooth the burning. Her adoptive father was out working and she latched onto his arm and begged him to make the pain stop. However, as soon as she touched him his body burst into bright flames. Kallisto fell back in shock as she heard his screams even worse than her own. The flames cascaded over his whole body. Kallisto watched as his body was reduced to nothing but a dust

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