Greed In Guy De Maupassant's The Necklace

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The works of Guy de Maupassant, “The Necklace” explores the theme of greed and envy that result to self-destruction. A major character in the story is Matilda Loisel, who an envious wife is longing for a better life. Despite her beauty, she always felt dissatisfied with a feeling of wrong life for, not meeting a rich and powerful suitor to court her. Having married a clerk, her possession lead to discomfort in life as she dreamt of more riches around her, but the daily encounter with middle-class furniture, conversations, and evidence led her dreams invalid. The story illustrates the consequences of allowing greed to overcome a person. The writer suggests that material possession an ill fortune to base one's wealth on it as it gets consumed with greed.…show more content…
According to paragraph 13, depression overcomes her, and she appears unthankful for what she has. “She let her mind dwell on the large parlors, decked with old silk…Prepared for the five o’clock chat”. On the other hand, her husband shows some gratitude for the little they possess, but Mathilde wonders how he thinks of the “law valued” possession, making the greed restrain her from happiness and contentment (Maupassant 13). Greed leads to problems in a blissful and a stable marriage, despite the effort of the husband to please her, like invitation to the minister’s palace. Mathilde complained of the lack of a classy dress or the occasion. “I have no clothes, and in consequence I cannot go to this party” (Maupassant 13). In addition, she dislikes the cloth bought by the husband instead of being thankful. The happiness in her marriage gets destroyed by greed as she doesn’t appreciate and love her

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