Analysis Of The Author To Her Book By Anne Bradstreet

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In the poem The Author to Her Book by Anne Bradstreet, the controlling metaphor throughout the poem is how the author views her book as her own child, but isn’t so proud of it, expressing her attitude that she doubts and sees defects on her child representing the book she wants to, “send thee out of the door.” (Bradstreet 24) but the only thing she can do is to give it something better, so she has to give it away. One example that can be seen in the poem is when the author says that, “who after birth did’st by my side remain” (Bradstreet 2) and gives the allusion that when she gave “birth”, meaning when she wrote her book, she didn’t do anything with it. When she said it stood by her, she didn’t publish it, giving us the feeling towards her

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