Goodbye Earl The Dixie Chicks Analysis

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Goodbye, Earl - Hello, Domestic Abuse Awareness According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, there are approximately twenty victims per every sixty seconds that face abuse in a domestic situation (Statistics). In 2000, the Dixie Chicks released a song and music video titled, “Goodbye, Earl” which confronts the problem of domestic abuse and lends an empowering tone towards women that may feel like they are in a hopeless situation. The Dixie Chicks are widely known to be a very pro women trio. Their songs tend to tug the heartstrings in some cases, while inducing giggling in others. In the song, “Goodbye, Earl” the Dixie chicks manage to do a bit of both. They gear their music mainly towards women with subjects that are meant to connect with their female listeners. Of course, their music may also appeal to a few males of the open-minded variety. At the beginning of the video we are introduced to Mary Ann and Wanda. They are the best of friends that are shown doing all of the fun things that society expects for them to do. They are shown smoking and later at the office. They joined all of the same clubs in which they can be seen while they are perusing the yearbook. All of…show more content…
As they are embracing at the bus that will take her there, you can see that her hair is still fashioned into pigtails. This gives off the innocent vibe. Wanda, who stated behind, met Earl. Earl was what most would call unattractive. He swooped in on Wanda and somehow convinced her to marry him. Afterwards we are shown Wanda being abused in front of a vacuum cleaner. My guess is that she didn’t well clean enough to suit Earl. While he is abusing her she is wearing a shirt that proudly proclaims her, “Earl’s Girl” because, whew! What a catch! Wanda hot footed it over to the nearest womanizing lawyer who decorates his office with calendars of half naked girls. He hooked her up with a divorce petition and a restraining

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