Goliad Massacre Research Paper

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On the fields and within the walls of La Bahía, three hundred and forty-two men were massacred by the hands of Santa Anna's forces, according to residence scholar Craig H. Roell. The Goliad Massacre was the most tragic battle that occurred during the Texas Revolution but, unfortunately has not been talked about as much as the Alamo. In order to understand who, what, when, where and how the Goliad Massacre took place it was important to know the chronological order of each event. Historical authors have helped readers to understand who Santa Anna ordered attacks on, what mistakes Colonel Fannin made, where the Battle of Coleto Creek took place, why Colonel Fannin surrendered to General Urrea and how the massacre at Goliad occurred. The sources were used to help…show more content…
Residence scholar Craig H. Roell and Harbert Davenport helped to explain the reasons for Santa Anna’s orders to attack. Santa Anna feared the United States would continue to help the Texans with attacks against the Mexican government. Santa Anna along with the Mexican government were unsure of what to do or how to handle the attacks. The tetchy that Santa Anna and the Mexico government felt made it difficult to figure out a solution to their problem. The attack on Tampico pushed Santa Anna and the Mexican government to figure out quickly, a solution on how to handle future attacks from foreigners that helped the Texans. The Tampico Expedition was conspired by General José Antonio Mexía and George Fisher, together they gathered men and money to help with the expedition. General Mexía and 150 emigrants from New Orleans attacked Tampico on November 15, 1835. The expedition was unsuccessful and ended with the execution of twenty-eight men from New Orleans. The government of Mexico believed the executions were justified and they had every right to hold them accountable for their

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