God's Great Grace In The Bible

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God’s Great Grace is an on-going theme throughout the Bible. The word "Grace" comes from the Greek word charis, which means “kindness.” Everyone should extend human grace or kindness to one another, but when the word grace is used in connection with God our Father, it takes on a much more powerful meaning. God’s Great Grace is the power of the Holy Spirit that is presented to the believer free of charge, enabling us to do what we could never do alone or with our own human strength. It is an undeserved gift of favor and kindness given by God. Grace is God choosing to bless His people rather than curse us as our sin deserves. In other words, it is His compassion on the undeserving human race and is given to us free of charge because He loves…show more content…
By accepting Jesus into your life through faith, His loving kindness forgives, erases, and allows you to overcome in life. However, you must understand that God’s Grace does not give you permission to sin but it gives you the authority to break free from sin so that you are not held captive by it. The truth is, the enemy wants you to be held hostage by condemnation, past failures or even the mistakes you may make today. But God’s Great Grace can cover a multitude of sin, for where sin abounded, grace abounded much more. --Romans 5:20 (KJV). When you feel defeated or overwhelmed by your past, you should just simply begin to thank God for His Grace. Only God’s Grace can wipe away your flaws and restore your confidence. It is only Grace that can change you into what God desires for you to become, but you must accept this Grace in your heart and learn to live in it. It is important to understand that the key to living in Grace is faith, not faith in your own abilities but faith in Jesus because He has enough Grace to meet and supply all of your
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