Global Warming The term global warming is used to refer to the gradual addition in the temperatures of the earth surface as well as the atmosphere. Environmental experts have raised the alarm over the steady rise of earth’s temperature in the last 50 years. It is worth noting that global warming is attributed to the collection of not only Carbon dioxide but also other greenhouse gases and other environmental pollutants in the atmosphere that absorbs solar and sunlight radiation and bounces back to
all was right in my universe. The party was in full swing when it happened. The topical conversation we were having was cut off by Steve screaming, “I have a doctorate in nuclear engineering. I don’t have to listen to your shit opinions about global warming!” Steve stormed out of the back gate and we all knew who caused his abrupt departure. It was Gary. He argues about everything. He doesn’t argue because of a deep seated belief. He doesn’t argue to defend his stance on a topic. Gary argues because