Gestalt Therapy Chapter Summaries

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3. Write a 2-4 page summary of Corey Chapter 8. Chapter 8 of Theories and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy focus on Gestalt Therapy, Frederick S. Perls was the main contributor and developer of this therapy approach, later on, his wife Laura Posner Perls was also a significant contributor to this approach. The New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy was established by Perls and his colleagues in 1952. The couple believed that each therapist needs to develop his or her own therapeutic style, there is no one style that should fit every therapist. Gestalt Therapy is an existential, phenomenological, and process-based approach created on the premise that individuals must be understood in the context of their ongoing relationship with…show more content…
Gestalt Therapy is lively and promotes direct experiencing rather than the abstractness of talking about situations. This method of therapy is like the role of a paternal figure, clients have to grow up, stand on their own two feet, and deal with their life problem themselves. There are two goals in this method of therapy, one is to move the client from environmental support to self-support and second is to reintegrate the disowned parts of one's personality. There are several basic principles that describe Gestalt…show more content…
This method helps the client to acknowledge that power is in the present. This term is referred to as Phenomenological inquiry, which is paying attention to what is going on right now, at this present moment. This method of therapy emphasizes that when figures emerges from the background but are not completed resolved, individuals are left with unfinished business, which will be manifested in unexpressed feelings such as resentment, rage, hatred, pain, anxiety, grief, guilt, and abandonment. Some of the common terms used in Gestalt Therapy are the contact boundary, contact is necessary if change and growth are to occur. Contact is made by seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, and moving. Effective contact means interacting with nature and with other people without losing one's sense of individuality. Here are five different kinds of contact boundary disturbances: Introjection: is the tendency to uncritically accept others' beliefs and standards without assimilating them to make them congruent with who we

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