George Washington Ivey Research Paper

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After visiting my grandma on my dad’s side, and talking to her about our ancestry, I learned that we have a huge family. She grew up with ten other brothers and sisters. From reading through papers, and looking at a family tree, most of my grandma’s family came from Arkansas in the early 1900s. Her father, Calvin Smurr Compton, moved to Texas in the 1920s and married his wife, Myrtle Lucille Myers. Together they had their first child in Texas, then moved to New Mexico and had four children all around the state of New Mexico, four in Montezuma County, Colorado, and they had their last child in Farmington, New Mexico in 1954. Since they moved to New Mexico, My grandma, Myrtle Nelson, has stayed in Farmington and had five of her own children. Reading through the papers, I found that my great grandpa, on my dad’s side, was a track star, and was very…show more content…
He was born in 1838, and the last name Ivey is of French origin. He was born in North Carolina, and married Lucretia Byrd between 1870 and 1880. They had Georgia Loudella Ivey in 1880, in Redbluff, Texas. She married John Bliss Compton between 1890 and 1900. The last name Compton has a English origin. After looking on my mom’s dad’s side of the family, we came from Germany in the late 1800s. The Zastrow name is German and means . After Gustav S. Zastrow came to Wisconsin in about the 1880s/1890s. She married had two sons and three daughters. Many of the names that were given to his children were of German origin. Julius Ferdinand Zastrow was born in Preussen Prussia, Germany in 1869. He immigranted to New York with his family in 1874, at just the age of five. He married Augusta Zastrow, Gustav Zastrow, and Ernestine Zastrow and started a family with all these women in Wisconsin and South Dakota. Out of all eighteen children, they had ten children. They moved around to South Dakota migrated to California then to Oregon during the Great

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