Genesis 19 Thesis

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In medieval Europe the production of the King James Bible in the 1600s revolutionized how medieval society connected to religious scriptures. The production of the Bible into common vernacular bible made the written scriptures accessible to the common man. Instead of having to attend church to have the scriptures read, families could read the Bible in their own home. The stories in Genesis particularly appealed to the communities because the stories had a wide variety of characters and plots that were both interesting and compelling. Genesis 19 told the story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and the subsequent escape of Lot and his family. Lot and his daughters flee the impending devastation of their homeland to Zoar before retreating…show more content…
The eldest daughter was able to articulate and then act on a specific plan to dupe her father (Hunt 182). Also the eldest daughter had to almost compel the younger daughter to act as well (Sutskover 6). The eldest had to reiterate the plan, “Behold, I lay yesternight with my father: let us make him drink wine this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our Father”, while at the same time pressuring the youngest to finish the scheme (“King James Bible”). Furthermore, Lot had to be drunk both nights to even unconsciously participate in the deed. Considering this position, Lot had no desire to be a participant in the corrupt plan, but was coerced by his eldest daughter with no knowledge beforehand. The idea that women would be able to trick a man into an immoral action would have appealed to the community. Many stories at the time told of the evil prowess of women that lead to the downfall of men. Because the daughters tricking their father would have connected to the common belief that some women demoralize men. The community would have perceived the daughters as wicked, deceitful sinners. Accordingly, Lot would have been seen as an unconscious, unwilling participant. Thus the tale of Lot and his daughters can be perceived as a cautionary story on the dangers of deceitful women to

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