Gender Roles In The Handmaid's Tale

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The handmaid’s tale is a wonderful dystopian novel that used view of the female to promote the development of the story to bring the readers a different angle to see the dystopia. In the book, Margaret Atwood describes the authoritarian country called Gilead where the female become the lowest class of the country and the only duty is help the commander to carry on the family line; the male controls the most of the power of the country with the crazy rules they declare from the bible; the government set up a series of the ceremony to achieve the standardization and harmonization of thinking and actions. As the others dystopian novels, in The Handmaid’s Tale, the female as the disadvantaged group, are labeled like the commodity with the uniform:…show more content…
The ceremony could be the answer: for one aspect, the ceremony suppresses the ruled to keep quiet; for another aspect, the ceremony helps the dominators control the right of the speaking with the rules have the sacred meaning which the people admire blindly. Michel Foucault points that in the middle age, the power used many kinds of ceremonies for showing the discipline of the units. And inside The Handmaid’s Tale, there have the ceremony for punishment, the ceremony for handmaid having sex with commander, the ceremony for handmaid’s production, and even the ceremony for handmaid going out for shopping. Participating in the ceremony according to the rules and working as the limited role of the ceremony is the most important condition for the ruled living in the Gilead, and for the handmaids, who live just next to the commander, this is much more important than…show more content…
The sex ceremony which seems really ridiculous can be a good proof: “I lie on my back, fully clothed except for the healthy white cotton under drawers. Above me, towards the head of the bed, Serena Joy is arranged, outspread. Her legs are apart, I lie between them, my head on her stomach, her pubic bone under the base of my skull, her thigh on either side of me. And the Commander fucks, with a regular two-four marching stroke, on and on like a tap dripping. He is preoccupied, like a man humming to himself in the shower without knowing he's humming.” This detailed description of the sex between Offred, commander and Serena Joy really depicts an incomprehensible scene: handmaid acts like this is a faithful job, is the duty of her; wife acts like there is no handmaid but only she and her husband; commander acts like he has no emotion but just work as a machine. But that’s not enough, there even have the read Bible step and pray step commander makes before he has sex with
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