Gender Roles In Julius Caesar

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The play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare has multiple recurring themes. One of these themes is the theme of gender. The theme of gender in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar is that women are seen as inferior to men. Shakespeare’s motives for including these could be the situations of gender inequality in Elizabethan England. The theme of masculinity and femininity is supported by examples in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, customs in Shakespeare’s times and contemporary times, and other examples in other Shakespearian works. The two major female characters in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar are Calphurnia and Portia. Both of these characters demonstrate evidence for the theme of female inferiority. First is the instance with Calphurnia’s dream of Caesar’s murder. In Act II, Scene 2, Calphurnia told Caesar he should…show more content…
In Antony and Cleopatra, Antony is flattered for his masculinity, while Cleopatra is seen as seductive and manipulative, yet remarked by Antony’s masculinity. At the beginning of A Midsummer’s Night Dream, Hermia is seen arguing with her father for the seemingly simple right to chose her own spouse. Lady Macbeth makes a proclamation to gain masculine traits and lose her feminine ones. One tactic that is not uncommon to Shakespearian works is that of disguises, such as in As You Like It and A Midsummer’s Night Dream. In the former, Rosalind disguises herself as a man and is seen to have possessed advantages from this. She is able to contemplate and discuss with men, such as the meaning of life. It is assumed that she would not have been able to do this in her true form. Shakespeare does also not stray away from female sexuality, which is still a controversial issue today. One example of this is when Miranda is assaulted because of her virginity in The

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