Gender Roles In Chronicle Of A Death Foretold

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The novel Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez encompasses the values of a society which is tightly connected to the Catholic religion. Throughout the novel, Garcia Marquez suggests a commentary on religion with the use of gender roles and machismo as well as the hypocrisy of the town’s people. Machismo is a word describing traditional views of men as being strong and aggressive. In Colombia culture men were expected to uphold family and honor. Men also often lost their virginities to prostitutes and before marriage. Unlike men, women were more sheltered. Upper class women were expected to be mothers and wives. Women were also expected to stay pure and save themselves from marriage as opposed to the working class women which…show more content…
Certain aspects of religion were placed with a higher value than others. In the society which is described in Chronicle of a Death Foretold purity and honor are the two most focused on aspects throughout the novel. Like previously discussed, Angela Vicario’s character showed a lack of respect to the Catholic religion when losing her virginity before marriage and then possibly lying about who had taken her virginity, essentially causing the death of an innocent person. This leading to the ultimate sin in Catholicism, killing someone. As the story develops through the reconstruction of the events the reader can notice key phrases that most everyone talked to reports. Nobody paid much attention to the Vicario brothers and what they were about to do because they were all too busy waiting for the bishop, a holy figure’s arrival. Even when the narrator talks to authoritative figures, like the colonel who simply believed they’re drunk and takes their knives again assuming they’ll go back home because it was just “drunk talk” to many people. This in it of itself is proposing that the people were simply using religion as a façade to masque their corruption. The Vicario brother’s claim to have committed this murder in order to restore their family’s honor but committing a sin to undo another sin, like killing someone to restore honor, and having that be permitted by the townspeople goes further to suggest that the town is too involved in their own lives and waiting for the bishop’s arrival because they want his blessing and forgiveness for all of the corruption in the town. The only character that’s like an open book is Victoria Guzman when she later confesses that she knew they were going to kill Santiago but she didn’t do anything to warn him or save him. Santiago’s death suggests a sacrifice made by the town in order to be redeemed of their sins. “He had a deep stab in the right hand” (Garcia
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