Gender Dichotomy In The Eumenides

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In the Oresteia, Clytemnestra, the queen and wife of Agamemnon, plays a critical role as she is who changes how women can be when in control. She is distressed as horrid events occur to her but she does not show any sign of fear. Almost becoming like any other men, she becomes fearful and dangerous in order to get her vengeance on this one man that did her dirty. Gender is a major issue in this trilogy. The trial in the Eumenides can be seen as a battle between genders, with Apollo as the male and the Erinyes as the female. Apollo defeats the Erinyes, also known as the furies, through successfully mobilizing gender rhetoric while the Erinyes are concerned only with pollution. This focus on pollution is ineffective because the Erinyes themselves are polluted. The Agamemnon and the Choephori prepare for this gender conflict through imagery which supports male power and diminishes the role of the female. Concepts of gender are expressed through images of animal single parents, lions, the roles of mother and wife, and the Erinyes.…show more content…
After Agamemnon has yielded to her persuasion and has entered the palace, she urges Cassandra now to come into the house and to accept her fate of slavery, and she supports her argument by allusion to a mythological precedent: even the son of Alcmene, when sold into servitude, endured his life of bondage (Agamemnon, 1040-41). Heracles is identified not by name but only through his maternal genealogy, and his enslavement, of course, was to the Lydian queen Omphale who is everywhere in the tradition associated with the Rule of Women. In fact, one of the prominent features of the relationship between Heracles and Omphale is the terms of his enslavement at her hands which required him to take on the role of female, to wear a woman’s dress, and to do their kind of work, not to mention, to serve as the male sexual object to satisfy the needs of the

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