Gary Tupto Analysis

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Have you ever been extremely determined to reach a goal, and not willing to give it up? Well, in the story Saving Mr. Terupt by Rob Buyea 8 kids are trying to save Mr. Terupt´s job. Because the schools budget is low and a teacher needs to be cut, and it's most likely going to be Terupt, but the kids do everything in their power to make sure it won’t be. Also in the story “Marble Champ” by Gary Soto, Lupe the main character is determined to never give up on her goal to win the marble championship. Lupe and kids all learned a valuable on being determined and never giving up, a lesson and i'm sure you will learn to, by reading this story. As Harriet Beecher Stowe once said “Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.” I think this quote goes great with the story because the characters don’t give up even when times are tough, plus since they don't give up things get better in the end. In the story, Saving Mr. Terupt, the kids never give up on saving Mr. Terupt job as a teacher. To begin, when the kids realized the budget was low, they organized a fundraiser, this is a…show more content…
To start off, when it states in the story, she tried again and again, it shows that she didn’t give up because she didn’t stop trying. Also, the first time she tried out shooting with a marble the marble only made it an inch or two! She didn’t give up just because she wasn't good the first time. In addition, when she was done with her daily fingertip push ups her muscles burned and She was breathing hard but that didn’t stop her from doing more the next day. I’m sure she felt like giving up many times, but she didn’t, but she stayed determined. In the story, when it stated she could barely hold a marble from practicing so much, that just shows how determined she was to never give up. All this shows, Lupe’s detimerition to never give up on her dream to win the marble

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