Gangs In Houston Case Study

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ASSIGNMENT 1 Houston is made up of about 2.2 million people ranking in as the 4th largest population in the United States. With that being said, unfortunately Houston also holds a significant number of gangs and gang members. There are about 21,000 gang members residing in the Houston area. By the end of 2012 more than 12,000 gang members have been documented. Compared to Chicago with 70,000 members and Los Angles with 45,000 members, known as the two hubs for gang membership in the United States. Meaning Chicago and Los Angles are the main attraction, the center of gangs and gang members. In Houston there are many gangs, it’s said to be over 200 gangs operating inside. Within that 200 the most notorious gangs are of course Bloods, Crips, 18th Street, Mara Salvatraucha (MS-13) and even Bandidos a motorcycle gang. Houston’s gang population race rise is 47.14 percent Black, 43.3 percent Hispanic, 8.9 percent Caucasian, less than 1 percent Asian and less than 1 percent “other.” These gangs are 90 percent African American and Hispanics. Now as for the Bandidos they are predominately white. On average there are about at least 65 people in a gang. While average age for these gangs are 26 it has been said there are a lot of teenage…show more content…
It is suggested that sixty-to-eighty percent of the crimes in Houston are of those in gangs. When it comes to the MS-13’s there acts are considered brutal violence also known as hyper violent MS-13 gang. Many of these gangs criminal acts consist of home invasion, robbery, kidnapping, murder, extortion, money laundering and of all drug trafficking at an alarming level. Over 30 percent of Houston confirmed gang related crime is of course drug-related. With that being said they extend into suburban and rural areas to broaden their drug distribution. What might be shocking is Houston gangs seem to commit crimes together so there is not much rivalry they tend to work as big

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