Gang Injunctions Research Paper

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Do Gang injunctions help San Francisco become a better city? Gang injunctions are also named as Civil Gang Injunctions. San Francisco Superior Court is using Gang injunction to interdict gang members from participate unlawful activities. According to Office Of The City Attorney, Gang injunctions is currently against seven violent street gangs that has been perplexed San Francisco neighborhoods due to their criminal. (Office Of The City Attorney. N.D) It restricts the gang activities forever. Gang Injunctions main property is to extricate gang activity that non- gang members can have a comfortable community to live in. Also, Court uses Gang injunctions is to abate the nuisance. However, The ACLU of Northern California perennial disagree gang injunctions as an ineffective method.…show more content…
The various law enforcement agencies have had to employ various strategies to combat crime within their areas of jurisdiction. In the recent years, the various police departments and the offices of the district attorney have been forced to employ restraining measures. The measures include gang injunctions to reduce the level of gang crimes in their areas of operation. San Francisco is the financial and cultural capital of northern California. The city of San Francisco has been most affected by gang-related crimes. The law enforcement agencies have sought to use gang injunctions as a way to reduce these crimes in the region. A gang injunction is a form of restraining order that prevents the alleged gang members from a certain freedom of association or movements within a specified geographical area. This is meant to change the behavior of the gang members hence reducing their chances of effectively engaging in criminal activity or public nuisance (Calavita,

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