Gabriel Garcia Marquez's The Handsomest Drowned Man

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Introduction Social transformation is any essential tool for the growth and advancement of any society. The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World by Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a short fictional tale about a small village population that experiences social transformation as a result of discovering the handsomest drowned man who washes up to their village from the sea. The short story shows the power of imagination and how imaginations lead to perception that dictates our view of life either in a positive or negative manner. Marquez implements styles such as hyperboles and allegories to bring out the essence of the story. The story explores how human nature turns objects into figures of heroism and portrays the image of a larger than life atmosphere.…show more content…
They reflect that he would have put a lot of effort into his soil that springs would have split open forth from the rocks so that he would have been able to locate flowers on the cliffs. Nevertheless, there is no proposal that they themselves or their husbands could put forth this kind of effort and change their village. However, that is before their empathy allows them to see their own capacity to act. It takes group energy to clean the body, to tailor clothes large enough for it, to fit the body, and to stage an intricate funeral. They even have to employ the help of neighboring towns to acquire flowers. Moreover, because they do not want him to be orphaned, they select family members for him, and through him, all the natives of the community became kinsmen. So not only have they worked as a group, they have also become more emotionally devoted to each other. Through Esteban, the townspeople are fused. They are cooperative and they are motivated. They plan to paint their houses bright colors and dig springs so they can set flowers. Of course, by the end of the narrative, the houses have yet to be painted and the flowers have yet to be established. However, what is significant is that the villagers have stopped allowing the aridness of their courtyards, the fineness of their dreams. They are set to work hard and make improvements, they are assured that they are proficient of doing so, and they are fused in their devotion to realize this new

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