Functional Behavioral Assessment

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Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) is one of the effective tools that schools are using to help emotional disabilities or risk students to succeed in school. According to the article, FBA process will help teachers to identify the purpose of the behavior and what factors are interrupting the student to learn in the classroom. FBA is a useful tool for school and teachers to use it to help students to be successful. However, educators must question themselves, if this assessment is flawless to use it in the classroom. Some of the educators are arguing weather or not to use FBA in their school. FBA is not perfect and some teachers and schools are questioning this assessment. They do not know how practical, reliable and worthy to use this…show more content…
Then teacher will create function based intervention methods for the student to behave and overcome their inappropriate behavior in the classroom. FBA team is training the teachers and schools to how to use FBA wisely and successfully. FBA team also reduced and eliminated some of the requirement to make it simple for teachers to use it. According to the article, FBA is not a perfect assessment. However, FBA team is trying to fix and adjust this assessment to allow educators to use FBA to identify the behavior and to meet the needs of the student. In conclusion, FBA is a greatest tool to help emotional disabilities or risk students to succeed in school however, it still needs to fix some of the issues to make it more reliable and effective tool to use. In this article, I learned how important to gather information about the student. Indirect and direct assessments are equally important to understand and identify student’s behavior. Therefore, in my future classroom, I will gather information of the student through interviews and direct observations then I will be able to create function based intervention methods for the student to behave and overcome their inappropriate behavior in the
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