Freud's Theory Of Hypnosis

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Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries a number of theories of hypnosis have been propounded. The role of Freud in this connection has often been misunderstood and misinterpreted. Freud worked intensively with hypnosis in the pre psychoanalytic period and clearly developed considerable skill and understanding of the nature of hypnosis and the dynamics of the hypnotic relationship. His eventual abandonment of hypnosis was on account of transference and countertrans- ference issues. (Milton V Kilne, 1972) Despite all the thinking and writing which has dealt with attempts to formulate a theory of hypnosis, it is generally agreed that the puzzle has not been solved and the theories proposed have not been adequate. The basic fallacy in the theories…show more content…
Neo-Dissociation Theory (dividing consciousness into two or more components of awareness); 2. Dissociative control theory (Based on left-brain and right brain theory); Hilgard’s neo-dissociation theory views hypnotic trance as artificially induced state of psychological dissociation. Dissociative control theory states that hypnotic processes weaken the left brain with the right brain. Both these theories also divide consciousness or brain into separate compartments. However, Mind, Body and Spirit cannot be divided into separate compartments; they are part of one whole. The current theory of Psycho neuro immunology (PNI) based upon mind-body connection supports a link between body, mind and spirit. The theory that the hypnotic cure of warts (infection by the human papillomavirus or HPV) is due to an immune response has been furthered by the recently published study by Barabasz, Higley, Christensen and Barabasz (2010). Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) also referred to as psychoendoneuroimmunology (PENI), is the study of the interaction between psychological processes and the nervous and immune systems of the human body. PNI takes an interdisciplinary approach, incorporating psychology, neuroscience, immunology, physiology, genetics, pharmacology, molecular biology, psychiatry, behavioural medicine, infectious diseases, endocrinology, and…show more content…
Therefore, Mind Body medicine is currently recognized as the latest theory in hypnotherapy. World Health Organisation (WHO) has recognised the importance of Palliative Care as supportive symptom-oriented medicine for end of life care for cancer patients who have reached the end of curative care which is disease specific or restorative. Mind-Body medicine and hypnotherapy, guided imagery, Energy Healing (EFT and EMTR) and other integrative health are fast emerging as evidence based medicine in the health care sector as healing therapies for various psychosomatic, immune disorders. Hypnotherapy is a very effective tool in healing the subject in a wide variety of disorders. Complementary and Integrative Medicine is a drugless therapy based upon suggestion given to the subject in deep hypnotic Trans state. It is now accepted that it is the disturbance in the human body energy system on account of stresses that lead to disorders in the body and mind. This causes behavioural, physical, mental and emotional imbalances in the human energy system that can be healed through hypnotherapeutic

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