French Language In Canada

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The French language in Canada. Will it stay or be gone soon? The French entered Canada during the colonial times of the 17th century, the colony formed by the French became a strongly connected province within Canada. They shared common values, institutions, religion and a language (Legendre, 5). However, since 1962, Canada has been facing several social and political problems regarding the split between the French-Canadians and the English-Canadians. There have been severe tensions between the Canadian national government at Ottawa and the provincial government of Quebec (Cook, 6-7). These tensions have had a severe effect on the French language in Quebec and a lot has changed within the province (Legendre, 12-13). These changes affected…show more content…
This, again, made French the official language of Quebec, but it went further than the previous law. French became the official language in government administration and in some occasions it was the only language used in internal communication. Also the law regulated the public use of language, for example product labelling, contracts and public advertising on billboards needed to be in French now (Legendre, 13). This is a combination of status and institutional support, as, again, an official language has more status than a regional one, and the public use of language is part of the institutional language…show more content…
According to Dal Negro Silvia language death is “mainly and primarily a sociolinguistic phenomenon that has to do with substantial changes in the repertoire of a speech community, or because of the loss of the speech community in all” (5.29). As the research of the census in 2011 shows the chances that this occurs are very small, if the amount of speakers of the language decreases at the same pace it did from 2006 to 2011. Also, the fact that the government is trying to maintain the language, so formal resistance against language shift, does not mean language shift will not occur. Furthermore language loyalty does not necessarily preserve the language. Overall you could say that a language is more likely to survive because of group loyalty and identity and if it has symbolic and interactional functions rather than to only have informational and communicative functions (Dal Negro Silvia, 5.36-39). So every language dies in a different way, and it depends on the functions of the language whether it will happen, or whether the language will

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