Free Cash Flow Theory

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Free cash flow theory Jensen & Micheal (1986) Free cash flow is cash flow in excess of that required to fund all projects that have positive net present values when discounted at the relevant cost of capital. Conflicts of interest between shareholders and managers over payout policies are especially severe when the organization generates substantial free cash flow. The problem is how to motivate managers to disgorge the cash rather than investing it at below the cost of capital or wasting it on organization inefficiencies. The theory developed here explains 1) the benefits of debt in reducing agency costs of free cash flows, 2) how debt can substitute for dividends, 3) why "diversification" programs are more likely to generate losses than takeovers…show more content…
J. Brails ford & Yeoh, (2004) when firms have free cash, any acquisitions made by these firms are, by definition, negative net present value. The essence of the bird-in-the-hand theory of dividend policy is that shareholders are risk-averse and prefer to receive dividend payments rather than future capital gains. . A high retention policy may enable a company to finance a more rapid and higher rate of growth. Under a perfect market conditions, stockholders would ultimately be indifferent between returns from dividends or returns from capital…show more content…
At the point when FCF is available and shareholder observing is blemished, the average managershareholder office issue emerges. Supervisors tend to overinvest (that is, put resources into negative-NPV ventures) with a specific end goal to catch the monetary and non-money related advantages of expanded firm size. Poulsen (1989) states that free income is a trade stream out hand for giving out among all the securities holders of an association. They include: value holders, obligation holders, favored stock holders and convertible security holders. Vogt (1997) elucidates free money streams as working wage before devaluation, less premium cost on obligation, less salary charges, less favored and normal profits. FCF is a scope proportion speaking to the add up to which current period produced free income is adequate to cover next period's capital
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