Freddy Gray Case

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Freddie Gray being another prime example of an increase in the racial profiling and the dis-trust between the police and the majority of the black communities, Freddie Gray was an 25 year old African American man who was arrested in Baltimore city, for what police believe that Freddie Gray was possessing of illegal knife on his person, a brief foot pursuit current when police finally caught up with Freddie Gray, he was then transported to the local jail but Freddie Gray was heard shouting he was in pain, and his leg seems injured as officers drag him to a police van Freddie Gray also suffered from asthma which he insisted that he needed his inhaler, which he never received (Graham, 2015). When the police van arrived at the police station Gray…show more content…
Property was destroyed cars set on fire and places of business were burglarized and set a blazed as the black community riot in their anger to be treated the same. Ongoing issues and situation as this will lead communities to react in a way that people thought would never happen again, since the LA riots from the beating of Rodney King another African American man brutally beating and pulled out of his car by Los Angeles police officers during a routine traffic stop (Castro, 2011). Four white LAPD officers were unaware that they were being film as they brutally beat the unarmed motorist Rodney King for 12 minutes which aired that night on the local new station (Castro, 2011). The four officers involved the beating were charged with the use of excessive force and were all acquitted of all charges by a predominantly white jury in Simi Valley (Castro, 2011). Los Angeles went through three days of violence that spread from South Los Angeles to other parts of the city, 53 people were killed and nearly 2,400 were hurt. Looting, vandalism and arson resulted in an estimated $1 billion in damage (Castro,

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