Fred B Craddock Analysis

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Recognizing his need for “retreat”, as he refers to his research leave from Phillips University and a research fellowship from Yale University, author Fred B. Craddock sets out to refresh his approach to teaching and preaching and to reflect on how “to reach those who have already heard” (Craddock, Preface to the First Edition,1978, p.viii). In the writing of this revision Craddock relies heavily on conversations with visitors he entertained while on sabbatical at his rented beach cottage in Connecticut. One of the most weighted influences was Søren Kierkegaard, who Craddock devotes an entire chapter to entitled, “By Way of Kierkegaard” (p. 67-86). Kierkegaard’s quote, “There is no lack of information in a Christian land; something else is lacking, and this is a something which the one cannot directly communicate to the other” (pg. 3), is the overarching theme that Craddock works to define throughout the text. Summary…show more content…
Craddock begins with an explanation of the use of method and how text should and should not be presented when effectively presenting to a hearer who has heard the text before. Craddock’s point in method and style is that the responsibility is not only that of the teller, but the listener’s as well. “Narrative preaching enables and demands a high level of involvement on the part of those who hear it (Heacock). It is important that the teller do the best job possible, especially when that which is being told is something as weighty as scripture and Biblical truth. Craddock refers to unheard truth, due to repeated exposure as “unmined ore”, (2002, p.

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