Fortunato In The Cask Of Amontillado

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Fortunato was a very simple man, especially when he was intoxicated, and this simple fact, a fact that every person who had met Fortunato had known and ignored, would end up leading him to his inevitable doom. It was another night at a carnival, and Fortunato was doing what he might have considered a fun sport, drinking booze, when a familiar face came up to him. It was Montresor, a so called friend of Fortunato’s, “My dear Fortunato, you are luckily met” he said, as he gave an uneasy grin to Fortunado, but due to Fortunado being intoxicated, he just passed it off as nothing. “But I have received a pipe of what passes for amontillado” Montresor stated, as Fortunato gave a surprised look towards him, “How? Amontillado? A pipe? Impossible! And…show more content…
You were not to be found, and I was fearful of losing a bargain” exclaimed Montresor, and all Fortunato could respond with was, “Amontillado!”. Eventually, Montresor said that he was going off to have Luchesi taste it to see if the amontillado was real, but Fortunato hated Luchesi with a passion that he had never quite seen in anyone else. Luchesi was another alcohol enthusiast, but Fortunato always found that he was below his own set of skills when it came to alcohol. “Luchesi cannot tell amontillado from sherry” said Fortunato sloppily yet again, he was enraged that anyone would think that his skills were better than his, so he offered Montresor some help in tasting the…show more content…
It is not the engagement, but the severe cold with which I perceive you are afflicted. The vaults-”, at this point, Fortunato had given up listening to Montresor’s ramblings about his cold, he eventually spoke up, “Let us go, nevertheless. The cold is merely nothing. Amontillado! You have been imposed upon. And as for Luchesi, he cannot distinguish sherry from Amontillado.” Fortunato rose to his feet, and stumbled away with Montressor to his palazzo to taste some of his amontillado, but unfortunately, he was going to figure out the hard way that there was never any amontillado to be tasted. After a long while of walking, Fortunato and Montresor made it to the vaults, or, catacombs, where the amontillado was to lie in wait to be tested. Fortunato was handed a torch, and with Montresor, he ventured further into the vaults.Fortunato would have had some doubts, and even a little fear because of Montresor’s strange behavior, but because he was rather busy being overly intoxicated, he just stumbled around like an idiot following Montresor. After stumbling for a few minutes, Fortunato spoke, “The pipe,” to which Montresor replied, “It is farther on, but observe the white web-work which gleams from these cavern walls”. “Niter?”
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