Flappers During The Roaring 1920's

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Wake up, prepare breakfast, feed children, clean up,, cook again, and then sleep. This was a typical routine for women before World War I. All women were expected to behave modestly, and whenever they went out, they had to be accompanied by a chaperone that was usually an older woman or a married woman. Women back then were conservative, thus it was unacceptable for a woman to smoke in public, wear short dresses and speak freely. Everything changed in an era of Roaring Twenties. The Roaring Twenties can be defined as a time of prosperity, happiness and excitement. During this era, a new style of Western woman, flapper, was established. Flappers were fashionable, young and emancipated women in the United States in the 1920s who were extremely thin, showed independent behavior, wore makeup, knee-length dress with a dropped waist and strings of…show more content…
When a girl walked down the street with neat attired and book under her arm, one may think that she was an educated woman ono her way to a university course. In reality, books became a fountain of bootleg, which is where people could hide alcohol. In December 1923, Abraham Roback, a psychologist from Harvard University, said that flappers were “dislike to work, are very impatient and fail to apply knowledge which they acquire in school.” Robuck also thought that flappers were selfish. “They can appreciate only that phase of the question which directly affects them,” said Roback. According to Robuck’s study that was based on “hundreds of intelligence test,” flappers cared too much about themselves, and were too impatient to deal with serious issues. Robuck wasn’t trying to imply that flappers were stupid, all he wanted to point out was that these young girls recklessly pursue personal gratification without considering any long-term consequences of their actions and the importance of education; they neglected
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