Fishing For Steelheads Research Paper

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Fishing for Steelheads Steelheads are one of the most sought after fish in the Pacific Northwest. Many avid fishers love the thrill and challenge that comes from fishing for this big fish. Steelheads are very popular among hardcore fishing enthusiasts because of their elusive nature and for the fight they give when they are caught. Fishermen usually have to struggle hard to catch a steelhead because they are strong and won’t go down without a fight. A place where steelhead fishing is popular is usually very picturesque and offer vast forest preserves and wilderness. Beginners and experienced fishers can always find steelheads in many rivers in Oregon and Washington in the US. Also the Snake, Skagit, Rogue and Kalama rivers are all very popular…show more content…
Most anglers use the single handed rod which is about 9 feet long. Two handed rods can be up to 15 feet long. If you are going to be swinging a streamer, it is advisable that you use a sinking line. However, for nymphing, floating line will do just fine. The steelhead fish is closely related to the salmon and so using a salmon streamer will also work well. The wolly bugger and egg sucking leech are the best kind of bait you can use. If you are fishing for steelheads in a river that runs into an ocean, you should be aware that these fish come into the streams only after the first few storms of the season. The fishes make their way upstream only when the sandbars are cleared so that they have better access to the freshwater. Fishes usually tend to face upstream which reduces your chances of catching anything if you are fishing upstream. The best thing to do is to follow the track taken by the fish. The best way to get hold of the best spot to go steelhead fishing is to ask the local guide or the local bait shop. The people at the shop usually would have an idea of the best spot on the stream to fish for steelheads. Additionally, these people can give you firsthand insight on the stream conditions and the flow patterns which can affect the place where steelheads would

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