Film Analysis: Wag The Dog

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nglish Advanced people and politics Interviewer: Mary Wilson Interviewee: Barry Levinson (Music plays as host enters stage. Audience stands in applause) (Host takes a seat on the lounge) Mary Wilson: Good evening everyone, This morning on Newsflash we have a very important guest in our presence- Barry Levinson director of Wag The Dog. Please make Levinson feel welcome. (Barry Levinson enters stage from right) MW: Good morning and welcome, now Barry, tell me, I'm sure the audience are all waiting on this answer as well, can you explain the concept "why does the dog wag it's tail? Because.... the dog" in relation to the TV series Frontline? BL: well as the opening scene to my film the viewers are introduced immediately to recognize…show more content…
The manipulative power is exemplified through the character Conrad Brean , a spin artist hired by the president. Brean is of course labeled as "Mr Fix it" which appropriately conveys his dubious methods. The most lethal feature about Brean is his influential talent for repositioning others to view his perspective as the truth. Which furthers the concept of truth as determined by perspective. This is further portrayed through my next character Stanley Motss, the Hollywood producer. The first scene illustrated to the audience Motss is in a casual white clothing, epitomizing the purity, goodness, and innocence which is then juxtaposed against the last time we see Motss, his costumed in a black suit symbolizing corruption, darkness and death. MW: okay and what influenced you to create a film capturing political manipulation of truth and…show more content…
The intertextual references to actual war images lends Verisimilitude to the Satire. It is evident in my film Wag The Dog that manipulation is current within the scene where they are acting out the war, as Tracy opines "can I hold a kitten?" "motss- no. We will punch it in later" the satire used in "we'll punch it in later" emphasizes the power and extent they go to in order to achieve the reaction of the public they desire. The use of the Kitten attracts the viewers making them sympathetic for the girl and the situation she is in making the appearance of the war more believable, thus verisimilitude is present as they make the audience believe Albania is in trouble. Throughout the film it is clear that it is the public's lack of discernment when consuming information and a social desire for heroic sensationalism that drives the success of the government

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